Curls my toes, yes it does. Don’t know how many times I have watched this 25 min.* online video – late at night, middle of a design project for a jolt, starting my day. Perhaps you will indulge in the scenes of heartful craftswomanship; giggle at the sometimes animal shelter sometimes design studio; engage in the masterful extraction of the term “healing garden”; or simply wonder how we get from one place to another in our respective journeys. Delicate balance. Delicious, delicate balance of art, care, stewardship, persistence of an artist’s truth. Where do the words fall for you?
Oh yes, the video features a sampling of Topher Delaney‘s Healing Gardens (or her term, “sanctuary gardens”). Gives this possibilitarian and imagineer food for thought and a way to appreciate her more than the Acer therapeutic garden tour interlude in 2007 (picture above).
Take from it what you will. For me: be more clear about what you do, where it comes from, and why you do it.
*Feels like to long? Tuck it in your back pocket for that day when you need a little refueling.
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