(This is part 2 of a 3-part series – a Spring Manifesto – to help you set your intention, seek inspiration, and begin the curation process to create a holistic and restorative garden space. Part 1 is available here.)
There’s a secret ingredient to every beautiful garden space.
The trouble is it’s a little different for every garden – and that can make creating your perfect design hard to pin down. Why is it when we want to invite the outdoors into our lives, we suddenly aren’t sure what the right choices are? Being in outdoor spaces can be so intuitive, and you know what feels good, but when it comes to creating your own little sanctuary, the pressure is on.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Whether or not you have a green thumb, taking on a project like redesigning your yard requires intention.
I say your garden, landscape, balcony, front stoop, outdoor living area is your good fortune – where you experience abundance in your health, peace and inspiration.
It’s not just another pretty space.
It is your outdoor retreat. It’s where you commune and connect within and without.
It’s where you can go to be present.
And most importantly, my overworked friend, it’s about you.
It’s about what you need to feel better and less stressed. It’s your place to be quiet, meditate, exercise, pray, and make memories. As much as you do for everyone around you, having a place where you can take a moment and fill yourself back up is a necessity.
- tending to revive or renew health, spirits, etc
- anything that restores or revives, esp. an agent that promotes health or strength
Doesn’t that just sound divine? An intimate experience of healing or restoration for your mind, body and spirit…
Boy howdy, do I want this for you! You can have that incredible feeling of peace because of your garden space and a deeper connection with your personal nature right outside your door. I know from personal experience there is a profound ripple effect.
Now, hold on speed racer, before you rush out to buy all those new, bright and happy plants, cool packets of seeds, cushions for your outdoor furniture, and that cute windchime…
Listen to your intention. What is your heart begging for?
What is your intention?
Still not sure? That’s perfectly perfect.
Here are some questions to help you – a part of my mission – my prescription for your garden wellbeing:
- What are your preferences? Your favorites? No one will judge you if you really, really want those pink flamingos from your grandma’s yard.
- What are your passions? What holds meaning for you? Colors, symbols, smells, plants, sounds, hobbies? If it makes your Red Bird heart sing, write it down.
If you need some visual inspiration, take a walk. Get outdoors, and get a reminder of what restores and rejuvenates you.
Is it raining or chilly outside but you still want to get started? No worries, I’ve got you covered. Head over and sign up for your very own Pocket Guide to Thriving Outside. I bet you dollars to donuts it will have you on your way to finding the inspiration you need for a space that makes you feel good inside and out.
P.S. Wondering what the secret ingredient of a healing garden is? Well, it’s you, naturally. What else could it be?
So how will your garden grow to #takegoodcare of you? Share by tagging me @annieredbird using #HealingGardenHappyPlace so that I can cheer you on.
(And then, Pin, pass on, Instagram this series this with someone who could use the healing power of nature in their life.)
Ready for part 3 of this manifesto? Find inspiration to discover your secret garden’s main ingredient waiting for you here.
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