There I am, another day in the “office” – my mobile office, that is, and along comes this – a shared moment in the “hallway” with this Itoh Peony. She’s so smart all sturdy, beautiful, easy, smells good and works her you-know-what-off to claim her space in the #GreenSereneScene – unique and ever so #BeARedBird (sporting that orchid-colored stripe). Isn’t she any one of us? Yes. Can I see myself is her? Yes.
I’m reminded: The gardens we keep are extensions of ourselves – mirroring truths – quietly and powerfully, this cultivated nature expresses where we’ve been and where we hope to go.
[bctt tweet=”#BeautyandBenefitPlants help create a healing place, supporting our quest for soulful living. “]
I say, Happy #FridayPlantHappyHour pretty little (big!) peony – thanks for this moment of pause and delightful distraction. Its been a lovely #healinggardenboost shot.
Now, back to “work”.
Get help selecting plants that reflect the good in you. Drop a question in the comments below or be in touch for Planting Design services sure to help you #GetYourBloomOn!
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