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A Positive Momentary Distraction for September 14, 2015

9_14_15 +Momentary Distraction_RBRG all rights reserved

“We must build landscapes that heal, connect and empower, that make intelligible our relations with each other and the natural world: places that welcome and enclose, who is breaks and edges are never without meaning.” – Alexander Wilson

(This post is part of an ongoing #positivemomentarydistraction series intended to lend you a much deserved #serenegreenscene #naturedose to help you #takegoodcare. The photos and quotes are part of a #thriveoutsidehealinside collection, I have curated over the decades – meditative resources that I turn to for inspiration, empowerment and reassurance – not unlike my healing relationship with my garden and nature beyond. Research studies show that views of nature-based positive distractions reduce pain, anxiety, stress, fatigue, distress and other physiological and psychological outcomes as cited by Ulrich et al, 2004. Please, enjoy this #healinggardenhappyplace moment with me.)

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