(For part 2 of a 3-part series skip on over here. Would you like the cliff notes version? Click Here Your 3 Cures Tip Sheet!)

I know two things to be true:
- We are hard-wired to sync with the seasons and to revel in nature’s nourishment.
- We are hard workers, taking care of things & people in our lives so that they stay in sync.
Sometimes the twain just don’t meet.
Access to nature “green stuff” on the daily is critical to healthy psychological and physiological functioning, supporting our immune systems. Downstream, the lack of restorative break time can impact our productivity and consequently, the other “green stuff” – the money, honey.
Here’s what I else I know to be true:
- You are (likely) a solo-working-from-home, busting your b$%t, Chief Executive Of-it-all.
- You take care of a business that takes care of others, directly or indirectly.
- Taking good care of yourself slips further down the famed to-do list then you’d like to admit.
If break time is a mere, laughable fantasy in your daily operations flow, I’ve got:
3 Cures for Greening Your Workplace Blues, Naturally & Right from Your Desk
Cumulative effects of a shortage of serene green scenes can creep up on us, showing up as decreased satisfaction and productivity, cranky-pants and generally, just feeling blah. Our environment impacts us. Don’t fight it. This is just who we are. We’re sensitive beings. I mean, really, it takes a highly sensitive person to be highly successful running her/his own biz. Inside our busy, hustling, buried-business wo/men minds we may feel, blue.
Green “nature deficit” around us can cause our mind-body-spirit bottom line to be blue.
Cure 1: Lighten up!
Assess your situation right now. You work from home. You have some sort of desk. You spend how many minutes of your precious life at the helm, in that chair? Lift your head up, look around. No, really, please look around. Is there any bit of natural light shining in on you?
If you’re not seeing the (natural) light of day peeking into your #creationstation, you may need #greenviewstohelpyou.
This Cure Boosts Your Mental Focus & Positivity Bottom Line
Rx: Expose yourself to (more) natural light.
- Like a moth to a flame, move your desk to a window so that, at least peripherally, your brain soaks up natural light, subconsciously “greening out” while you work. Don’t forget to open the blinds, doll.
- Switch it up on occasion and work remotely from an #oasisoffice. Source a respite office location that has green-infused views and pack n’ go. Outside, garden seating would pay off in bonus #positivityperk benefits!
Science says:
A study in neuroscience and chronobiology (study of circadian rhythms) showed that a windowless workplace devoid of nature messes with successes. Working in this sort of environ, can throw off circadian rhythms and increase susceptibility to SAD (seasonal affective disorder).
We need not have a single SAD Superwo/man.
Bank Yourself Some Style Points:
This is your motivation to freshen up your workspace and gain a new perspective – because your business needs you to #takegoodcare of you. Fact: I rearrange my office with every season (at quarter start) to capture different views and sun patterns; to freshen the overall look of my #creationstation (’cause how much time do we spend in these home office spaces???); and most importantly, to be deliberate in making space for my/my business’ greatness.
Perhaps relocating your command station (aka desk) near a “port hole” to the outside world might have a ripple effect to inspire you to paint a wall, jazz up the window coverings, or simply hang a bird feeder within view.
Cultivate a proper CEO’s healing haven outside for your viewing & restoring pleasure. After all, why wouldn’t you have the best view in the (home) office, Ms. CEO?
Ready for Cure #2? Skip along over to here.
Did you find this Cure helpful and actionable in making space beautiful and happy for you? There are more Cures where that came from…
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