(For part 2 of a 3-part series skip on over here. Would you like the cliff notes version? Click Here Your 3 Cures Tip Sheet!)

Cure 3: Green Screen it!
In Cure 1, I urged you to Lighten Up to make sure you reduce your chances for SADness. In Cure 2, I shared with you one of my fav ways to bring nature’s season right to our desktops to support the sacred work we do. For Cure 3, I want you to imagine in your mind’s eye a happy place you’ve traveled to or have on your “I Am Manifesting This” list. Make it a healing, happy nature place ’cause we’re going for the gold $$$ here.
What does it look like? Tropical? Mountainous? Verdant fields of green?
Now drop down into your heart zone – you know, that place where the passion for the good work you do beats from… how does that dreamy scene make you feel? Zoom in on that feeling as deep as you can go. Zoom in on the details of natural elements that really stand out for you in that scene. Picture the details. Walk around in it. Give your imagination all the attention you can muster to fully experience that place.
What do you see? What do you feel?
My bet is that you feel pretty darn de-lish… and I’d put my money on it, honey, that you’re feeling a bit refreshed and motivated just thinking of it. Let’s call it what it is, focused positive attention.
Now imagine, what powerful things you accomplish with regularly focused attention brought to you by nature? Thanks to imagery that is both pretty and meaningful to you, great work is not far out of your reach, friend. It’s really within an arm’s reach.
This Cure Boosts Your Attention Span in a Matter of Seconds
Rx: Turn your computer screen into a green dream scene.
- Switch out your screensaver /wallpaper to a favorite view of that healing nature happy place that you dream of or reminds you of a favorite vacation. Then give yourself 40-second “green-microbreaks” to view taking in that #serenegreenscene throughout the day to restore from the tedium (and remind you of dreamier, *green-i-er* pastures).
- Need some wallpaper inspiration? Come on over & follow me on Instagram (I’m @AnnieRedBird). I post a #PositiveMomentaryDistraction pic every Monday just for the purpose of inspiring you to connect with nature’s beauty and benefits with nature doses that help #mindthegardenofyourmind, if even for a micro-second.
And you know who else uses her fav nature scene as her screen saver? Ms. Oprah! Yep, heard live on a Facebook Live, that my (yours too?) CEO hero, has a picture of those glorious Super Soul Sunday oaks as her screen saver.
Why? Because when Oprah is busy traveling (away from her #healinggardenhappyplace), that screen saver picture of her oak grove reminds her “that joy will come”.
If a joyous nature scene works for #Oprah’s screen; maybe viewing nature will work for you, CEO?
Science says:
Research found that office workers’ focus AND performance increased when they had a microbreak green viewing on their computer screen — just 40 seconds. This helped with task-interruptous and attention. Set your timer and go on a little nature soul stroll with your eyes.
Your brain will thank you, especially as the day wears on and our attention wears down.
Bank Yourself Some Style Points:
This is a quick, fa-fa-free decor intervention of beauty + benefit. That screen takes up a lot of real estate in our immediate, arm’s reach, workspaces and sprucing it with a serene green scene changes your mood and instantly beautifies your office area. You can personalize your wallpaper for your season, your mood, your motivation.
So which Cure is first on your list? Do you need to lighten up , spend a little shrine time or let your creative brain recharge on a sip of a green serene micro-scene?
As CEO, it’s your #1 job to attend to your best nature on the inside, so that you may get on with the good work you do on the outside.
Did you find this Cure helpful? Pass it on! Inspired to make a beautiful and happy space for your workplace?
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