Story goes that ancient Hawaiian culture believes that when you think of something you connect energetically with that person, place, or thing. Think of that web! No wonder the idioms “clear the cobwebs in your mind”, huh?
So many cords going out AND coming in from all directions. Makes you want to pump up your energetic hygiene routine, doesn’t it?
Luckily there’s a plant to help us with that! The Ti plant, known in Latin as Cordyline terminalis is the cord line termination plant. Its flower essence is used for space clearing of any dark, heavy, ungrounded, untethered energies and it brings light (POWER!) into your space. It’s said to break any magic that’s not good for you coming towards you.
Designerly speaking, as I curate container gardens, I love using this plant as a sentinel near the back or most commonly used door of the house. Very easy to grow, (though sadly can’t hang with our prolonged ice-rain-snow winter scenario in the PACNW, but who can, I mean, really?)
My instinct and intention in its selection as pottery “jewelry” is to work the angle of focal point, yes, AND as a plant for the recipe of sanctuary making to be the energetic postal worker: “nah, nah negative vibe, we are returning your negative cord back to sender”.
And here’s a bonus! In our enviro, this plant will over-winter so long it doesn’t stay too cold/too wet AND it works well as a bridge plant from spring into fall. Just know, colorations vary but steadfast in helping keep that sticky energy web off ya. Oh yes, much more than just a pretty face Cordyline is.
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