Do you know your sap?
Acer and everything nice when considering plant recipes for creating sanctuaries.
Though we find a sense of sanctuary in our escapes in the garden, the field, and/or flower. Our journey of healing OUR nature is about tapping into the hidden wisdom that makes us, us. That sweetness deep down, rooted in soul soil.
My grandmother, Althea (yes, her real name) taught me a lot about digging deep. Adopted at the age of 4 from an orphanage, moved to live in DC to grow up humbly. Graduated the planet in wealth uncommon for someone of her originating “circumstances” (read: because “she was a woman, for starts” – gag). She chose her life. She demonstrated to me BEing the Soul Owner of her life. She knew her sap.
When hiking under and through the canopy of Big Leaf Maple (Acer sp), her message is lent: shift attention to your dreams, draw from deep, be sharp in focus (and sometimes in tongue).
Own your dreams and tap into what needs to rise. Be fearless. RISE THE SAP UP.
I’m headed for the meadow once this posts. Big Leaf Maple stands there. She, the “Grandmother” of all trees cloaked perfectly for the season’s Ore, reflecting “her” outstretched “arms” to await me. They offer shade and protection when needed, peacefully mighty and relaxed. Statuesque silhouette of assuredness on the banks of rapid spiritual and emotional growth.
Not a tree for small spaces nor small thinking.
“Grandma” calls to me to dig deep AND play. Toss those whirlygigs (samaras) unto the air. Take serene pleasure in the twirling, dancing, lightness, swirl. Play, girl, play. Feel the joy. Be golden like the leaves afoot.
And be fearless. Fall back into positive visions. Fall into Sanctuary. Know your sap.
Benevolent is Acer’s nature. The visual and intuitive sip on this #FridayPlantHappy Hour of tree wisdom sap helps us to #BeSanctuary growing from scared to sacred. Thank you Grandma.
Want a sacred space that is more than just another pretty place? One that soothes your senses, digs deep for your wellbeing and helps you set that stress down to #BeYourOwnSanctuary?
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