*IF* you believed in magic. And *IF* your precious heart needed to rest its autumnal eyes on some calming #flowerpower uptick, (especially after *this* full moon, whoosh LMTY), you’d pay close attention to sandy soil forest understory for a sip of Cyclamen.
It blooms in the fall ’round here in this hemisphere. I’m talking the wild kind, of course. The cyclamen that makes you wonder if the flower is looking up or looking down. The flower’s remedy will help clarify: it’s looking all around! How’s that? The name comes from the Greek work kuklos which means circle. Cycle. The magic of cyclamen, metaphorically speaking, attunes us to the cycles of life and opens portals to the sacred, universal, nature. Think cervix and you’ll understand the root chakra power of this flower.
Serve me up some of that for this #FridayPlantHappyHour, huh?
In #sanctuarydesign applications, I often add this flower (back) into outlying natural areas. I adore the idea that it carries with it the essence of clear-headedness. Circling a home with the offerings of accessing inner wisdoms, knowledge, KNOWing, rooting. In a potted container brought inside, the plant helps to circle up knowledge and helps us store it for future applications. Hmm, like an external hard drive.
The root (rhizome – turnip tuber looking “bulb” but not a bulb) is said to be used as medicine for ailments from head to toe and all around inside. (Note of caution – consult your witch doctors, medical personnel, gurus and guides before you try anything with this plant, k?).In the personal design of my new sanctuary studio, cyclamen will be used to clear energy from construction and to foster my work of circling into deeper levels of being of service, healing and nurturance.
As I cast my vision for creating #TheSanctuarySalon membership in 2020, Cyclamen’s empowering energy assists to bring this circle, this community of #highlysensitivepeople, deep feelers, keepers-of-all-moving-parts together — those of us wanting to heal, root and earth in our intention to grow a sense of sanctuary space in
our work.
our lives.
our jobs, businesses.
our gardens.
our families.
and for sanctuary to become the place of acceptance of our true nature.
A place that nurtures and SEES our caring nature and vulnerability as our strongest power – one that encircles so many in our lives..Oh! And I so dig the heart-shaped leaves that cyclamen offers. But, you know as Annie The OpenHearted, I’m a sucker for such natural things.
Want more soothing, #restorativenature #thrivingoutsidehealinginside serenity boosts like this to help you #BeYourOwnSanctuary?
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