Even if your world may feel chaotic at times, even if you fear that you have gone off track, the path that will return you to peace, beauty, balance and harmony is always here for you. ~ Alana Fairchild, Earth Warriors
(This post is part of an ongoing #positivemomentarydistraction series intended to lend you a much deserved, #serenegreenscene#naturedose. The photos and quotes are part of a #thriveoutsidehealinside collection, Red Bird has curated over the decades – resources that I turn to for inspiration, empowerment, and reassurance – not unlike my healing relationship with my garden and nature beyond. Research studies show that views of nature-based positive distractions reduce pain, anxiety, stress, fatigue, distress and
other physiological and psychological outcomes. Find more resources here. Please, enjoy this #healinggardenhappyplace moment with me.
Want more soothing, #restorativenature #thrivingoutsidehealinginside serenity boosts like this to help you #BeYourOwnSanctuary?
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