💫 I picked special flowers for this. For me. And you. To ground the energy. We’re going in… at least here in the US… into the holiday ta dahs after a looooong time of what-the-fla fla flahs, right?
It is no secret that on Monday, Nov 29, I open the power of #flowermagic to those joining me for a 5 day virtual S.P.A. treatment. We’re going to harness.
Say that word out loud with me… HARNESS. Feel the power? Did you draw your fists in as tho riding bareback on a horse… I did.
“…control and make use of (natural resources), especially to produce energy…”
Alchemy, doll.
We’re going to make good use of energy. And I think, strike that, I KNOW, that one of the blessings of the last 20+ months with all the f_)(*&ery that has come with figuring out staying out of the fray, one of the blessings has been about clarity.
Clarity of just how I (you too?) wish, want, intend, command (yes, I said command) MY energy.
It is mine. My natural resource.
And if it were ever confirmed before (and maybe I just missed it), I desire allies to assist me with my command over my energy.

Enter flowers.
Now, if you’re not one that has felt the “woo” to join me next week for our spa treatment, you may be asking yourself “what-the-flower”?
And I’ll tell you, flowers convey RESTORATIVE energy. They assist us like a GPS system. And in a sea of what hasn’t been the most gentle of waters, flowers and their magic ARE gentle. Easy. Calming. Captivating. And grounding…
Of course, I’ll be talking more about all of this next week (psst, #linkinbio), but for now, know this:
I picked flowers DELIBERATELY for this event – as backdrop and back up alleluia choir for our 5 days. See the graphic? Yeah, that’s part of the POSITIVE spell I’m casting for us come Monday. Each has a VERY potent role to play in healing and empowering WHO WE ARE CHOOSING TO BE.
Want to feel the ease, positivity, command of the energy so that your natural resource bucket feels a fill?
Come for the S.P.A. treatment. Sign up before we close up.
#sanctuarySELF #mentalwellbeing #manifestation #frequency #selfcare
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