🌻 WELCOME IN. WELCOME OUT! Your invite is HERE – a complementary (and F.R.E.E.) Flower Magic for Self Love and Self Care Facebook Group awaits you!

I am THRILLED to pieces (or petals) to be able to provide this opening to how to explore, restore and nurture being your own sanctuary with flower magic.
It is my heart’s intent that this free group is THE Facebook community that defies all convention… that it thrives as a virtual sanctuary space with a big BLOOM ripple effect – playful, delightful, inspirational – to support the seasons of our lives and brings us together with Nature through the magic of flowers… Can you imagine the joy of supporting our natural, mystical instincts for self-love and care with the magic of flowers???
Flowers are, after all, the easiest and more obvious tools to care and share love with ourselves, amIright?
Welcome to you, the flower-magic-curious!
My team and I are magic soul scientists collaborating with the Feminine Flora Force to create the space and call forward our power with the aid of flowers.
This space will be kept light and bright with monthly flower magic intuitive readings, “Plant Happy Hours”, co-conspirators, communing, and wooing… more magic to uplight and uplift ourselves!
Thank you for being here! – Annie Red Bird, Chief Possibilitarian and Intuitive Transformational Space Design Expert
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