I asked:
“Could I possibly be that thing – the healing gardens I design, that sacred space, oh my god, #sanctuary – for myself?
Could I possibly take IT wherever I go?
Could I find myself finding myself syncing the cycles of Nature with the seasons of my life, my growth, my development?”
As She took in my prayer, that day I sat on the back porch of the little farmhouse, with not a “garden” of mine in sight, peeling an orange, She answered:
“Of. Course.
Of course. You carry the healing, mysteries, joys, and beauty of the Earth within you. You are Sanctuary, Annie.”
Mother Earth
For more about how this ^^^ realization rocked my world and changed how I conduct business now, as a sacred service of making personal development, life, and most everything that comes in contact with #themama 🌎 easier, listen IN to my interview with @thepattydominguez
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