“Share about a deeper connection with and to the unseen natural world…that makes the work easier…”
A connection I sense that you sense, else we wouldn’t be here, you and me, right now exchanging this moment, would we?

Join me in reclaiming the design genius of the Sacred Feminine
to nurture and embody the power and peace of Sanctuary Within so that your work is made Lighter and your Love of Self deep-seeded.
June 24, 2022
12 pm pst
And yes, there is a wisdom… so familiar that is drawing us out… that is sacred. And ours.
Meet me at the intersection of the sacred divine in nature and the powerful impact you have on this planet as you do your work, come out into the Light, propel a spell of healing and love across the planet.
✨ DISCOVER the missing piece in personal growth that designs sacredness into your life and becomes your most encouraging tool for your peace and power
✨ UNCOVER, finally, YOURSELF from the debris of distraction and hubris of external influences by removing ONE veil and embodying ONE vital essence that will forever change the way you know yourself in the landscape that is your life
✨ RECOVER your energy faster, more authentically from burnout with a naturally renewing source of inspiration, healing, and joy — that is yours innately, intuitively, instinctively.
Meet me in the nature of beauty, peace, balance, and harmony.
Comment for the link or find in bio.
During this channeled virtual event, I’ll share more about the steps that come after opening your heart (back) up to this chasmic Sense you have, its wisdom, and the rapture of your magic.
It’s an honor to share this with you… in support of all that you do.
In service,
#divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #sanctuaryself #fromscaredtosacred
#Iammyvision #sanctuaryfromtheinsideout
#beyourownsanctuary #mystics
#SanctuarySELFSolution #replenish #rewilding #neuronature #transformation
#designintuitive #healingnature #healershealing #helpingthehelpers #sanctuary #sanctuarywithin
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