The #flowermagic of Peony has brought me so much rejuvenation of personal power over the last year and is the #flowerenergy ally for this month.. and you too as we find ourselves soon in the #flowerfullmoon? (not to mention riding the world events on a magic carpet, ducking and diving, and dodging the ball of wth too).
So much to do with worth. Worthy of the Light. Worthy of Remembering.
Of re-member-ing ourselves as natively, naturally abundant.

If you were to ask me the power of this flower’s medicine and how it has assisted me personally as serve my clients with #SanctuaryWithin and creating #SanctuarySpace around, I’d say this…
These are the days of FEELING your heart.
Of saying enough with the bulls*&t.
We can be encouraging and empowering and still run our businesses.
We can feel the prosperity and the power that is of our natural origin.
Peony demonstrates the magic of honoring the EXPANSION while also
being honorable in the expansion.
And as @lotuswei remarks, “Lack does not exist in the Peony world.”
As I’ve watched the cycle of these Peony plants, I’m reminded on the #FridayPlantHappyHour that we CHOOSE.
We choose how our vibe strives and survives.
How it’s suppressed, suspended, or sustained?
In this present moment – NOW – I see how much abundance there is expanding for us to indulge in no matter the outside circumstances.
There is no lack in sanctuary.
(Say that out loud and FEEL the richness.)
And sanctuary is our birthright. And Peony our ally.
I honor this expansion in you and for how honorable you are flowing (back) into receiving yourself. Petal, by petal.
As always, I’m here to answer any questions and to support you in #thework and becoming more of who you are, already. DM me for ways that we can collaborate with the power of #healingnature for your greatest expression, deepest satisfaction and becoming Sanctuary.
#Fridayplanthappyhour #plantrecipesforsanctuary #flowerpower #intuitivedesigner #plantyourownmedicine #femininefloraforce #abundancegrowshere #highvibeenvironments #rewilding #bloomingsanctuary #fromscaredtosacred #formarta
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