A wildly, breathtakingly, beautiful representation for our June, yes?
There is a thread that I’m following… the Red Bird… a calling that I continue to place my heart’s ear to… despite the mundane, the musts, the mushy mess of trying to be it all, all the time.

There is a design for my #sanctuaryself.
As Iris blooms, she lays out her petals. They curl up, out & down.
These petals – form bridges.
Bridges between the worlds – between the realms. Rainbow bridges.
The #flowerenergy of June’s #FlowerMagic is one of full spectrum.
All the colors of the rainbow are seen with iris.
A richness, depth, memory.
Magic happens with Iris. @TessWhitehurst pens, “All true magic is worked “between the worlds” & Iris helps unite your vision, your Sense, your Intuition…
The #FeminineFloraForce speaks through Iris… offering us both a purifying & protective energy. Now is a REALLY good time to bring Iris in to
🪄your gardens, homes, doorways
🪄your visioning
🪄your meditations
🪄your creativity
🪄your personal evolution.
These days are filled with discussion of “re-evaluate”. Rooted sweetly is Iris, an ally, letting us understand that this is a world of “both-ness”, inclusive of all colors in the rainbow of us AND WHO WE ARE BECOMING.
We are DIVINE. SACRED. & we are DAILY beings having this Earthly experience. We are mystics shopping for almond milk. We are moms who weave mantras into teeth flossing. We are both & all, evolving the design of OUR mystery, creating sacred space for our healing so to benefit many.
Iris = energy of a beautiful bridge between both AND and.
Helping you along your path –
as you grant yourself acknowledgment of this sacred bridge &
lay the petals of your heart down for your self acceptance
aligning back with sacred balance & #REPLENISH that which is your “self-hood” (@parkerpalmer) & #SanctuaryWithin –
Come for a very intimate event on June 24. We will spend time, necessary time, bridging for joy, self love & ease with the #divinefemininearchitects.
And how deeper magic and mysteries revealed will support you in your heart’s calling. I’m here for that. I hope you will be too. Link in bio.
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