“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
Anais Nin

.. and the gift of friendship becomes a living Sanctuary… a safe haven, refuge and a sacred place for seeing ourselves and connecting with the physically embodied #DivineFeminine within each other
— making possible healing the scared parts of ourselves – the ego, the shadow
… and it is this possibility bloomed through and mirrored by friendships, that helps awaken the sacred within.
Isn’t funny how the safety of a good friend elicits the same feeling as when we are in our fav place in nature?
Think fondly. Allow the petals of your heart to fall open and consider… consider your friendships and how they nurture and enliven the sacred within you.
I look at this photo and I see 7.
7 different women
woven together
since 1986.
Many life and death connections, happy hours, romances, children, career paths, adventures and misadventures.
7 distinct divine energies, each a representation of the Sacred Feminine, embodied, albeit humbly.
Each on a path individually, experiencing a respective season of her life, yet sharing it to make the whole. Offerings. A composite.
Gifting the whole her individual magic, spirit, wisdom and TRUTH.
Which reminds again, we are not defined by the shadows, holes, bodies, misremembering YET of who we really are… the out-picturing of spirit, God, Universe, Source.
An embodiment of a diverse ecosystem that expresses in this world, at this time. The embodiment of the everyday mystic that we all are. The Divinity of Feminine energy made physical.
Having friends to experience, reflect, challenge, and love makes the work easier. Friendships are actually a most beautiful divine design made manifest. A garden of souls who make a
new world born. A #sanctuary.
Who do you explore the edges of your soul with?
Who’s your “sister” that receives you – both your light and your shadow? Tag them!
#good friendshipsarelikenature
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