A rose by any other name… is still a rose.
A tenacious and tender, kindness ambassador, creative caregiving, rebelliously revolutionary highly sensitive type determined in making space for her Peace… remembering, realigning, reclaiming herself… is still ALL. THOSE. ESSENCES.
That famous line from Romeo and Juliet is a contagious notion, perfuming our higher sense of self about how we see and name ourselves… naming something (aka YOURself, this way or that) does not have an effect on THE WHO YOU really are. Because who you really are is Love.
And Rose flower magic holds this space FOR YOU.

Did you know that subconsciously, we are drawn to certain flowers that emit the state of being we desire?
That’s right. Flowers act as magnets and help us FEEL Sacred Beauty – Sanctuary Within – and heal, thanks to our encounters with them. Our atoms oscillate to find harmony (frequency of 348.835 Hz) with specific flowers. This is just one of the magical ways in which flowers are our healing beauty allies and a part of our Sanctuary-making self-care support system, especially serving on the front lines of our central nervous systems.
For Rose, you could say that the Rose flower has great superpowers – with incredible magnetic energy that can replenish your energy, joy, and positivity and act as a Sanctuary Within healer.
Its energy is measured electromagnetically as 320 Hz, Rose emits the highest frequency of all tangible things, which when consumed in or on our “body” becomes the closest element we can physically access that renders an electromagnetic vibration of Love (528Hz is the “Love” frequency on the Hawkins scale).
Just as she is and because of who she is, Rose is a natural frequency-elevator. A generator for naturally raising our vibration. Her positivity is potent for us when soothing splayed nervous and frazzled senses.
Rose fossils have been found dating back 30 million years ago. To say they’ve adapted… well, is an understatement of the minute or millennia. Sure rose plays a big role in romantic love, yet the rose tells a story of resilience. You as love. You BE LOVE. Always and all ways. You are of this energy too.
This is a self-love story that transcends a deeper kind of self-care.
I use rose in my soul-science outdoor sanctuary space design consulting to zero in on styling a space wisely for the replenishment of the mind, heart, and soul – for the long run, the long haul while circulating the sense of purification that needs to resonate throughout the sacred space… to fortify the healing and empowering intentions in bloom, connect in with the divine feminine energies laying in wait to nurture the user, and soothe while positively stimulating the senses.
This last – soothing the senses while positively stimulating the senses – is the foundation of all Sanctuary making… because it is replenishing a deeper well.
Because of rose’s tenure on this planet – timeless – I lean into its ancient healing power and skip on over current trends, using this classic flower to bring empowering, evocative, alluring, magnetizing impact to the sacred environment. Recent relationship dip or break? Rose-it. Wanting to bring forward a feeling of nurturance around you? Rose-it. Grieving the loss of a loved one? Rose-it.
Need a instant, instinctual, native crash course on self-love? Rose-it.
(If you’re having a “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” flashback to all reasons for Windex… you’re tracking…this is the power of Rose.)
EVERYTHING IS ENERGY and this flower embodies it.
No matter the color (trust yourself to know which color is best for you), the fresh rose flower holds the highest vibrational frequency of all plants – at this magnificent 320 Hz. Planting or displaying roses close in a space helps to soothe and delight your senses – your sensuality. Be intentional and tune in to these “healers” as Rose is powerful in how you “lay it down”.
Think back to the numerous arts and entertainment events you’ve seen. At the end, in celebration, roses are tossed to “make protected way” for attracting more goodness and circulating admiration. Roses help to connect you to your root and heart chakras helping to ground and settle security needs (root) while opening our awareness of the abundance of love and good fortune waiting to be perceived and experienced.
I invite you to get your frequency up, reclaiming and raising your sacred magnetism by fully indulging, luxuriating, self-loving in the messages of ultimate self-KNOWING… as a Rose by any other name… is YOU.
I imagine for you and me this as our season of sacred, simply elegant, sanctuary self replenishment.
Connecting with empowering and encouraging environments and elements around us can fortify us – our Sanctuary Within – like Rose.
And helps us honor ourselves. Imagine that feeling… honoring ourselves, our energies, our joy.
It’s divine time yet overdue, huh?
So how do you collaborate with Rose to replenish yourself and your sacred space in this season of your life?
How are you creating sanctuary with Rose to replenish your frequency of joy?
Share a comment, I’d love to know how Rose is a part of your Sanctuary Self Care serene scene.
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