You are mirrored in the Earth. In Nature. You are Sanctuary, inherently.
I recall the first moment, perched atop a rock outcropping looking over the Lower Salmon River in Idaho – celebrating my 30th birthday – on a 4-day rafting trip with 24 other women I did not know, when I realized how sacred beauty is “out there” and “in here”. That I am every part of it and by hiding this sacredness, I was diminishing the glory and grandeur and healing all around me. And that began my journey of Sanctuary… back to the whole of me.

You may wonder, “what is Sacred Beauty”? Aren’t all of nature and gardens beautiful and replenishing?
Yes… and no… to the degree that we are awake and aware, goes the measure of healing and the possibilities for us when we choose to create empowering environments that are “much more than just another pretty space”. When we are creating Sanctuary.
We know scientifically and spiritually that Beauty can heal our lives and that it is connected to a life force that is Divine.
“Divine feminine energy encompasses many qualities, but one of the simplest ways to think about the divine feminine is to look to our Mother Earth. Our Mother [the Earth and Nature] is nurturing, loving, emergent, and exists in cycles. She is also fierce, a protector of sacred creation and seeks balance for life to flourish.”
Deepak Chopra
Understanding and connecting intentionally with your Sacred Beauty Signature for True Sanctuary will save your sanity and soothe your nerves because beauty in nature – very specifically your unique preference – can turn down your fear and flight responses while boosting your mood, feelings of love and energy. It helps you be in balance.
This is outstanding for us, isn’t it – and EASY – seeking, creating and BEING Sanctuary is naturally pleasing and no load to our otherwise “busy” lives. The vital first step in creating and embodying your Sanctuary or healing garden, Sacred Beauty is how we authentically harmonize our thoughts, feelings, experiences, choices and frequency with the Divine Feminine energies within Healing Nature.
Your Sacred Beauty signature is what makes designing and styling Sanctuary easy.
Because it comes from your heart and soul rather than you personality mind.
But how aware are we of this innate Sacred Beauty signature that resides within our souls?
Do you know your signature? The beauty “coherence” you have with nature – unique to you alone – that elicits the most supportive biological and physiological response in support of your central nervous system?
Tapping into your sacred beauty mark helps you leave a more peaceful mark on the world while nurturing you in your restorative revolution of taking good and precious care of the Sanctuary of YOU, first.
Your Sacred Beauty Signature is what keeps you grounded, centered, clear. And when we infuse it in and through our lives, this is when we not only experience Sanctuary in the external (because we’re deliberate with our design choices) but we become Sanctuary from the inside out, fortifying our capacity for peace no matter the external circumstances. This is the power of the Divine Feminine alive, awake, honored, and mirroring in our lives.
For nearly 30 years I’ve bridged this connection for people, through design, coaching and consulting. Better yet, for 54 years, this sacred connection is the sacred thread through all of the seasons of my life.
Knowing your what is beautiful deeply and profoundly AND instinctively (deep with the oldest part of our brain) can have a profoundly healing impact on our lives, specifically supporting our metal and spiritual wellbeing. Thanks to the findings out of the field of Neuroasthetics, we can get very grounded in the brain science of why and how this occurs. The short hand:
Understanding your Sacred Beauty Signature for True Sanctuary will save your sanity and soothe your nerves because beauty in nature – very specifically your unique preference – can turn down your fear and flight responses while boosting your mood, feelings of love and energy.
This is outstanding for us – and EASY – seeking, creating and BEING Sanctuary is naturally pleasing and no load to our otherwise full lives.
But do you know your signature? The beauty in nature that will elicit the most supportive biological and physiological responses to your central nervous system?
Are you deliberate in tapping into your sacred beauty mark that helps you leave a more peaceful mark on the world?
We can all agree on what is beautiful – generally – like a field of flowers, a sunset, the ocean, but to KNOW what your healing nature “architect” is that is expressing divinely and with nurturing feminine energy for you aka the power of Nature’s “Divine Feminine Architects” – empowers you beyond just another pretty space.
And honors your unique journey in this world, though we all are walking this path together.
Knowing your Sanctuary Sacred Beauty Signature aka your unique healing nature signature makes life easier. Appreciating and activating it in your life helps to soften the bumps in the road, the barriers and blocks, the discomfort and rub of life.
Knowing your Sanctuary Sacred Beauty Signature supports improved mental wellbeing and spiritual wholeness, actually making Sanctuary a divination tool, a manifestation tool, and an healing energetics tool, nourishing your alignment and peace.
Yet perhaps most importantly for “these times”, your Sacred Beauty Signature replenishes your sense of resiliency.
When we feel more mentally well and balanced – replenished because we’re caring, deeply and reverently, for our sacred selves – we can’t help by feel more powerful, positive, healthy and abundant… in mimicry with Nature.
And what happens when we feel more balanced and deeply replenished? We’re able to tap into our natural powers of creativity, innovation and leadership. Mirroring possibility and positivity, we are Sanctuaries.
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