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Sync with the season. Fall colors are nature’s hidden gold – a mini-meditation. Episode 15, #60SecondSanctuarySonnet

Listen in and sync with the season.

In order for leaves to change with the season, conditions need to be just so. Earnest. There are weather patterns and life cycles. Naturally (habitually) plants do their thing because they are inherently sync’d with the season. It’s in their nature.
This seasonal response, lucky for us, reflects abundance – precious gold – hidden within plants timed to express when the “season” is right. Think about it: the gold is always there and when conditions call, the manifestation is everywhere at the time that is needed, reliably, consistently, beautifully.
How might you become more naturally sync’d with the season you’re in?
What are the best and right conditions for you to recognize your hidden Gold?

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image by Paul Green

Listen and let this sync IN.

Change of seasons reveals a change in pattern of overthinking – a mini meditation. Episode 14, #60SecondSanctuarySonnet

NEW PATTERNS REVEALED As we start looking at this season of our lives from new heights and sights, our ability to design new patterns is revealed. We’re offered clarity. A fresh perspective. A new start. An opportunity to fortify and/or change patterns. In doing so, we adopt a service to the whole of the landscape of us and abandon the angst of overthinking “all the things”.

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by Aaron Burden

When you are heavy, you cannot fly – a mini meditation. Episode 13, #60SecondSanctuarySonnet

Listen in and sync with the season.

“When you think too much you make yourself heavy and when you are heavy you cannot fly.” – Don Juan Matus

Research shows that in a very busy life, small, momentary sips of nature can help to reduce pain, anxiety, stress, fatigue, distress & other physiological & psychological issues. (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1998)
When we engage two or more of our senses in nature-based positive distractions, we double down on the lolly for our brain. There’s a recoup. A soothing. A little moment of safe haven from the thoughts that make us feel heavy.

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