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Stop the artificial space-making – a mini meditation. Episode 12, #60SecondSanctuarySonnet

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STOP THE ARTIFICIAL SPACE-MAKING:: It has nothing to do with who and how you want to be. It is not natural.
Drop the pretense of “so busy” and “have to” and being buried in tasks. Those, my friend are choices. (Hey, I’m looking at you too, Annie.) Those choices remove us from being present, showing up present and most all keep us from savoring the season. 
When we over-commit, we spend so much time explaining, complaining, rationalizing when we can’t get it ALL done. We burn excess and precious resources. This dampens the glow of our flow. This dims our Ore.
What space might become available in the landscape of you, when you stop over-committing?

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AUTUMN IS… :: Autumn is like standing on the bridge between the fun, frivolity of summer and the dark, quiet, rest of winter. This in-between place of fall is an entire metaphor for transition. More dramatic in the number of changes than most other seasons, I contend, Autumn is the symbol for transformation. 

It is a cornucopia for the senses – helping us move away from the free fall of overthinking – if we are open to being positively distracted.
What does autumn hold for the landscape of you?

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