It’s our complimentary, one-of-a-kind, 5-day “UNchallenge”*. This guided virtual micro-retreat starts on May 7th!
* Instead of the more common “online challenge” experience, we’re going for an “unchallenge” – an experience to nurture your senses and soul through nature’s healing, seasonal essences in an entirely new way – with ease.
Our guided “sips” are steeped in science, style, soul and served virtually, via private, intimate, thought (and feeling) provocative emails.
My top secret outcome: resiliency, restoring, self-worth-ing and inspirations for how to keep sanctuary around you. I promise.
All that I ask is that you take at least 5 minutes (or more!) to GET OUTSIDE and be with yourself + nature to reflect and (re)connect.
Where’d the idea for a Sip come from, Annie? I don’t get it.
I’m so happy you asked…
I know, sounds kinda funny. If we’ve been around each other for any length of time, you know I love playing creatively in the garden of language and my goodness, give me alliteration any day.
Sip of Sanctuary – It’s a personal SOS (all pun intended) for play AND soulful re-connection with a large FORCE of nature. I wanted simple moments (little SIPS) in the midst of doings of a busy life to play, connect and remember that nature, the great equalizer, is always there, no matter form, no matter garden or no garden, no matter the season of us – for expansion and personal growth (SANCTUARY). I wanted to create play time for those of us who feel deeply and consider things LIGHTly (woo intended) while being a keeper-of-all-moving-parts. I wanted to savor nature’s seasonal healing on the OUTside to help us rest and replenish the Sanctuary of Us on the INside.
So. Come give IN with me.
Click here for more details AND to reserve your virtual micro-retreat Sip spot.
“It takes courage to say yes to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol” – Brene Brown
Sign up today and I’ll look forward to sipping with you come May 7.