You have extraordinary treasures hidden within you. – Elizabeth Gilbert Amazing soup.
Crafty project.
Website code.
Rocking outfit.
Music lyrics.
Excel spreadsheet.
Floral arrangement.
Coffee table.
Bike tour.
A lamp.
You created something really special that will serve others and in the midst of doing so, your identity fused with a story of potential. That something special made from the ordinary is proof of your extraordinary nature. Your natural capabilities uniting with your identity and the result? Something that comes so natively. Your potential, when you give yourself the chance to BE a treasure, is breathtaking.
I appreciate your service.
(This post is part of an ongoing #positivemomentarydistraction series intended to lend you a much deserved, #serenegreenscene#naturedose. The photos and quotes are part of a #thriveoutsidehealinside collection, Red Bird has curated over the decades – resources that I turn to for inspiration, empowerment, and reassurance – not unlike my healing relationship with my garden and nature beyond. Research studies show that views of nature-based positive distractions reduce pain, anxiety, stress, fatigue, distress and other physiological and psychological outcomes. Please, enjoy this #healinggardenhappyplace moment with me.)
Want more soothing, #restorativenature #thrivingoutsidehealinginside serenity boosts like this to help you #BeYourOwnSanctuary? Sign up for The Sanctuary Salon membership wait list and we’ll notify you when the garden gates open for our next seasonal enrollment!
Color your world your way. – Mrs. Lapin, Kindergarden Teacher, 1973
The only “design style” is the physical space (manifestation) that comes from you being seen, supported, empowered and not judged.
My K-garten (garden!) teacher, Mrs. Lapin (French for Rabbit whose medicine is about turning fearful attitudes into courage – perfect for a teacher specializing in early childhood development, huh?) continues to be THE best teacher and my Red Bird mentor. More on using powerFILLED intuition on designing your empowering, healing nature-infused space on next IGTV (ode to a teacher).
And hey, color is a portal for a “hsp” (highly sensitive person) and when used in a healing-energetic way, allows access to deeper understandings about healing sacred connections and hearing nurturing messages. We see this in the works of the great & empathic healer-designers & style-intuitives. We FEEL this in the spaces we love because these spaces vibrate love and acceptance back WITHIN us.
With so much LOVE from the big, open-hearted space of me, do what Mrs. Lapin suggested: color your world so that it shows you the way to your precious Sanctuary self.
(This post is part of an ongoing #positivemomentarydistraction series intended to lend you a much deserved, #serenegreenscene#naturedose. The photos and quotes are part of a #thriveoutsidehealinside collection, Red Bird has curated over the decades – resources that I turn to for inspiration, empowerment, and reassurance – not unlike my healing relationship with my garden and nature beyond. Research studies show that views of nature-based positive distractions reduce pain, anxiety, stress, fatigue, distress and other physiological and psychological outcomes. Please, enjoy this #healinggardenhappyplace moment with me.)
Want more soothing, #restorativenature #thrivingoutsidehealinginside serenity boosts like this to help you #BeYourOwnSanctuary?
Sign up for The Sanctuary Salon membership wait list and we’ll notify you when the garden gates open for our next seasonal enrollment! Enter your email below!
The gemstone color of deep Jade is a “natural” soothing color and offsets the feelings that come side saddle with anxiety, nervousness, and depression.
There are differences of opinions (shocker!) when it comes to determining the “color of the year”. Some (Pantone) say its Living Coral (which we’ll get jiggy with come our Spring ’19 ezine issue), where PPGPaints is digging on a green… Not just any green, the Evergreen or Jade tone of green called “Night Watch“. I call it, ommmmm worthy.
Being surrounded by Night Watch can give some of that empty space back by pulling our memories of natural environments to the surface to recreate the calming, invigorating euphoria we feel when in nature.”
Dee Schlotter – PPG’s senior color marketing manager
“The urge to reconnect with nature is driven by today’s tumultuous, still somewhat rebellious, always-connected society. Empty space in our lives—such as downtime waiting for a bus or lulls in conversation—tends to be filled with the use of our smartphones and devices.,” said Dee Schlotter, PPG’s senior color marketing manager. “Being surrounded by Night Watch can give some of that empty space back by pulling our memories of natural environments to the surface to recreate the calming, invigorating euphoria we feel when in nature.”
In my mission for #greenviewshelpyou, this color is a particularly fab choice if you’re stalled by windowless walls.
Plainly, it’s E. O. Wilson’s Biophilic Design at play: our innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life (our surrounds, context, built environs).
The psychological meaning of that green, Jade gemstone color? It is believed to enhance a sense of balance, growth, renewal hopefulness,
and buffer emotional demands of others. It imbues trust and generosity without worrying about reciprocity. Hmm… trust in one’s value as abundant enough… Green for thought and enlightenment. How’s that for all of us keepers, doers, high functioners?!
‘Round the planet, green is the most predominant color (God help us it stays that way) alongside blue (again, reverence folks) which is linked to nurturance. (I know, duh.)
What I also appreciate about green is that it’s a neutral party, helping us see and hear things from both sides. It’s just here to support and to suggest growth. Yum.
Photo by: Amy Kingsford
Not looking to redo your hallway, house paint, back door, cushions, pottery but want a tidbit of Night Watch’s color positivity in your vibe and life?
Go small scale, intimate, personal with a mossy, jade colored green to ground and nurture you: pick up some Moss Agate.
Revealer and Astrologist Kim E. Woodssays, “… [it] guides you on your spiritual journey. I love this stone for 2019 as its grounding, yet is all about movement. It’s the perfect remedy for the cosmic energy this year. Combine it with blue quartz (yes!) to enhance spiritual expression while improving your authentic communication with others.” Get Kim’s full 2019 forecast here.
Looking for ideas, elements, help to connect the dots between your personal growth on the inside with a supportive, inspired, naturally empowering space on the outside? That’s why I’m here, doll. Let’s get to that BEcoming of yours. Reach out. Branch out. Contact me.
This is an excerpt from our Winter 2019 ri-ˈstȯr-ə-tiv Magazine. Visit our Resource Roost where you can access the entire Red Bird publication library!
Welcome my Soil-Soul-Sister & Brother! I'm Annie Red Bird, ready to style for your serenity & dig deep for calm, connection & creativity in your everyday #HealingGardenHappyPlace.
The Sanctuary Salon is a transformative membership experience that will offer resources to nurture, support and inspire your work of building AND being your own sense of sanctuary – all year long.