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You create energy – a generator loving, giving, doing, caring, pleasing, trying, doing, doing. And doing some more.

This lovely you, occasionally “tired”, “low energy” or ” energy off”. Being an empathetic sort, makes sense. You’re so intricately composed of a fascinating collection of energy-producing particles oscillating, in motion, vibrating, and sensing the “fields” around you. Magnetized.

You are one amazeballs mass of energy – constantly creating and absorbing energy.

Took me a L O NNNNN G time to understand how these unseen yet deeply felt things work. Good news? Good news is that our souls – the seat and seed of WHO WE ARE – already know. As does this wildly curious field of vibrational medicine aka “energy medicine”.

May sound super-spiritual, even woo-woo (but that’s why you’re here, right?), so let’s start with something simple to support our vibrations and energy: Roses.

Subconsciously, we are drawn to certain flowers that emit an electromagnetic field that our beings desire. Flowers act as magnets. Our atoms oscillate to find harmony (frequency of 348.835 Hz) with specific flowers. This is just one of the #flowermagic ways of flower allies.

Rose flower has great superpowers – with incredible magnetic energy as studied by vibrational medicine.

The energy measured electromagnetically as 320 Hz, is the highest frequency of all tangible things, which when consumed in or on our “body” becomes the closest element we can physically access that teaches us the vibration of love (528Hz is the “Love” frequency).

Rose is a frequency elevator. A love generator for naturally raising our vibration.

Her positivity is potent for peaceful, radiant, healing of taking good care of your precious energy self. So much more than just another pretty face.

Walk into her magnetism (and love on your own) with me and my Rose Magic Meditation – a #energyimmunityboost gift – link in bio and comments.

#restoredandradiant, sanctuarywithin #divineandaligned #youareyourownsanctuary #goodvibrations #everythingisenergy #thriveoutsidehealinside #redbirdrestorative #flowerpower #empoweringsurroundings #healingnature #SanctuarySELFSolution

Words are design tools. Their power seeds the landscape of our lives with who and how we wish to be.

The sound of a word carries resonance that calms various points within our CNS — something in VERY high demand these days. Agreed? Agreed.

A chosen word grounds us in our essence – our #SanctuarySELF – the soulful, empowered, alive, fiercely free you and me. Restored and radiant, whose ripple effect is positive.

One word has been my anchor in the dark storms and at the same time, a mantra floating me higher… focused.

Within a word, I find safe place, direction, connection, and a way to redirect unproductive thinking far better than the ol’ rubber band snap on the wrist.

My sense of resiliency, self-sanctity, creativity and sanctuary is activated by this word.

Having one word for the year AND allowing yourself the process of discovering it, is a vital step in speaking SELF AND designing Sanctuary into existence. One word becomes your safe haven bedrock.

Your word becomes a key design element of your sacred space infrastructure. READ: how you take good care of your precious self AND manifest YOU!

I’m not just talking the space around you. I’m talking a word that seeds the #sanctuary of your heart’s desire for peace, ease, beauty, grace, patience, connection, love… all the things craved — inside you and around you.

What’s your word that will be your beginning and ending for this year and grows, guides and helps you express the sacred space you picture yourself IN and AS your Sanctuary?

Do your self-care, listen deep to your heart, spend time in nature, be keen to the signs and signals, and allow this year’s sanctuary seed word to come to you and be heard by your heart as your sacred infrastructure.

👉🏻Comment w/ your word for a chance to win a mini #sanctuaryinsightsession to ground & grow the healing energy in & around the sacred space for 2022. Deadline: Jan 20, 2022, midnight PST.

#sanctuaryselfsolution #redbirdrestorative #nurturHER #flowermagic #hydrangea #oakleafhydrangea

#beyourownsanctuary #positivemomentarydistraction #mindthegardenofyourmind
#serenegreenscene #healinggardendesigner #morethanjustaprettyspace #designasthoyoursoulmatters #thriveoutsidehealinside #natureconnection #naturenurtures #sanctuaryspacedesigner #designpsychology #selfcare #mentalwellbeing #selflove #restorativespacedesign
#earthempath #caregiving #highlysensitivetypes #keepersofallmovingparts #livingportfolio