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A Gingko tree to help you remember your hope, vitality, and endurance.

Remember who you are.

Need help? Remember from all that you came.

Need a sign? Remember why you are here, now.

Listening for an answer?

AdORE yourself. I do. At this time of year, your golden ORE is, well, like butta’.You are a Maiden. Like me.

You are over 300 million years old. If time is even a measure. And earning that badge of living fossil, well you’re timeless, baby, timeless. Time sure looks good on you.

You’ve been through a wide range on conditions. You’re not all together fussy about it either. Just looking to stand out in your field. Despite all sorts of bombs, diversions, distractions being dropped around you.
Your reach is glorious, broad with age and a safe haven to many that encounter you.

Come rest beside me, you say. Come relish in the dapple display of light beams and let your imagination play.I love your easy, breezy Yin/Yang manner. You assure me of mine.
Hey, that’s Ginkgo talking.

Wanna come closer in – into remembering all the lovely things glowing in you, showing up from within you in the world around you? I’ll help translate.

Ginkgo will deLIGHT you all the way. Like the yellow brick road, his or her (yes, dioecious!) leaves light the way. Yep, in the case where a walkway, high use area, etc, you’ll want to employ the male version of this tree for a cleaner and less odorous experience as the female “fruit” is “distinct”, (unlike The Force which I do agree with most Star Wars fan, *is* female, the male rules planting design desirability – dang it).

Turning your brain to the wellness gains of Ginkgo beyond his breathtaking appearance and energetic connection to prehistoric times (yes, fossils of this tree date back 200 mil years ago), the healing essence of this tree is used in extracts and supplements aimed to prevent dementia (#takethatdementia) and claudication (hustle on up there blood flow).

Nature is talking to you. Hope, vitality and endurance are the messages from Ginkgo: 170 of these sacred, healing giants kept standing – survived – the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Get it yet? You are part of this bigger family. This bigger us. Timeless. Bridged. Peace. Resilience. That’s all you really ever need to understand.

Given the zonal availability (3 – 7) of this tree’s reach, as you take your soul strolls, getting outside to the wide open, serene green scenes, watch for Ginkgo. Cast the heart of your eyes up into the branches and down to the sea of leaf “rain” afoot. Stand a second in the golden gloriousness. You can’t help but feel connected, huh?

That’s what planting your own medicine does for you. It helps you rememBEr just how precious you are.

So, tell me, who are you and why are you here, now? What have you come to share?

* Note to toxicity – do not eat any part of this tree. Instead consult your eastern (or western) medicine practitioner for appropriate extracts and supplements, ya dig?

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Woman holding maple leaf

Do you know your sap?

Acer and everything nice when considering plant recipes for creating sanctuaries.

Though we find a sense of sanctuary in our escapes in the garden, the field, and/or flower. Our journey of healing OUR nature is about tapping into the hidden wisdom that makes us, us. That sweetness deep down, rooted in soul soil.

My grandmother, Althea (yes, her real name) taught me a lot about digging deep. Adopted at the age of 4 from an orphanage, moved to live in DC to grow up humbly. Graduated the planet in wealth uncommon for someone of her originating “circumstances” (read: because “she was a woman, for starts” – gag). She chose her life. She demonstrated to me BEing the Soul Owner of her life. She knew her sap.

When hiking under and through the canopy of Big Leaf Maple (Acer sp), her message is lent: shift attention to your dreams, draw from deep, be sharp in focus (and sometimes in tongue).

Own your dreams and tap into what needs to rise. Be fearless. RISE THE SAP UP.

I’m headed for the meadow once this posts. Big Leaf Maple stands there. She, the “Grandmother” of all trees cloaked perfectly for the season’s Ore, reflecting “her” outstretched “arms” to await me. They offer shade and protection when needed, peacefully mighty and relaxed. Statuesque silhouette of assuredness on the banks of rapid spiritual and emotional growth.

Not a tree for small spaces nor small thinking.

“Grandma” calls to me to dig deep AND play. Toss those whirlygigs (samaras) unto the air. Take serene pleasure in the twirling, dancing, lightness, swirl. Play, girl, play. Feel the joy. Be golden like the leaves afoot.
And be fearless. Fall back into positive visions. Fall into Sanctuary. Know your sap.

Benevolent is Acer’s nature. The visual and intuitive sip on this #FridayPlantHappy Hour of tree wisdom sap helps us to #BeSanctuary growing from scared to sacred. Thank you Grandma.

Want a sacred space that is more than just another pretty place? One that soothes your senses, digs deep for your wellbeing and helps you set that stress down to #BeYourOwnSanctuary?

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Acer and everything nice when considering plant recipes for creating sanctuaries.

Down the road a bit is a single persimmon tree growing in what appears to be a remnant yard of a now abandoned farm house.

She’s close to the road. Lovely in shape tho rather non-descript most of the year, flowing through the seasons quietly.

Until this “5th season”. That bridge time between summer’s end and fall’s cornucopia when yellow-ish green ingenue fruit appears almost out of nowhere. Then, in just a short while that fruit, with the right conditions, turns a coral orange. Matured.

Unless you’re a rabid persimmon fanatic, you wouldn’t be inclined to give this tree’s transformation much attention. Especially this part of the PacNW US. There aren’t many persimmon orchards, you see, instead hazelnuts, blueberries, grass and hemp cover most of the farmland in this valley. So come this 5th season, when this tree unveils her journey of transformation. She BECOMES illuminata with fruit. With maturity.

She reveals the truth of work that goes on unseen for most of the “year”. If you harvest too soon, her truth is not fully formed – its bitter, acrid, immature. Yet, waiting and welcoming the maturity, you’re rewarded with sweetness and wisdom of what she bears.

Her fall blush of fruit pairs so well with her foliage drape. A cape of all the warm autumnal tones causes me to stop. Admire. She is temple-worthy. Often found planted in sacred places of worship and devotion in Asia, Persimmon carries a divinity in spirit in the ordinary flow of life. She is known as a tree of illumination and when she appears, her wisdom suggests making choices that allow our dreams to ripen and mature – sweet and wise.

Her fruit is a perfect offering on my autumnal altar inside – a little shrine time. Outside, I choose to remember the sanctity of my good nature’s pace of transformation. We need more reminders of the power of maturing choices that ripen the Sanctuaries of ourselves.
Want a sacred space that is more than just another pretty place? One that soothes your senses, digs deep for your wellbeing and helps you set that stress down to #BeYourOwnSanctuary?

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