Acer and everything nice when considering plant recipes for creating sanctuaries.
Down the road a bit is a single persimmon tree growing in what appears to be a remnant yard of a now abandoned farm house.
She’s close to the road. Lovely in shape tho rather non-descript most of the year, flowing through the seasons quietly.
Until this “5th season”. That bridge time between summer’s end and fall’s cornucopia when yellow-ish green ingenue fruit appears almost out of nowhere. Then, in just a short while that fruit, with the right conditions, turns a coral orange. Matured.
Unless you’re a rabid persimmon fanatic, you wouldn’t be inclined to give this tree’s transformation much attention. Especially this part of the PacNW US. There aren’t many persimmon orchards, you see, instead hazelnuts, blueberries, grass and hemp cover most of the farmland in this valley. So come this 5th season, when this tree unveils her journey of transformation. She BECOMES illuminata with fruit. With maturity.
She reveals the truth of work that goes on unseen for most of the “year”. If you harvest too soon, her truth is not fully formed – its bitter, acrid, immature. Yet, waiting and welcoming the maturity, you’re rewarded with sweetness and wisdom of what she bears.
Her fall blush of fruit pairs so well with her foliage drape. A cape of all the warm autumnal tones causes me to stop. Admire. She is temple-worthy. Often found planted in sacred places of worship and devotion in Asia, Persimmon carries a divinity in spirit in the ordinary flow of life. She is known as a tree of illumination and when she appears, her wisdom suggests making choices that allow our dreams to ripen and mature – sweet and wise.
Her fruit is a perfect offering on my autumnal altar inside – a little shrine time. Outside, I choose to remember the sanctity of my good nature’s pace of transformation. We need more reminders of the power of maturing choices that ripen the Sanctuaries of ourselves.
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