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Plants Have Your Back

The plant treasure hunt (selecting, shopping for plants for my clients) part of my work is pure pleasure. So thrilling to find the right plants to round out a soulful design experience. I refer to this task as “picking the very best icing for your garden cake” (because I love cake) or “selecting the very best *friends* you’ll ever have” (because it is true).

What makes the plant treasure hunt even better is connecting with nursery people who’ve got soul – who really believe in the power of plants. Wholesale growers (plant caregivers, shall we say) who invest in plant healthcare and sound practice at their nurseries, leave me assured of the *sustainability* of these bright, beautiful symbols of hope and health.  Last week, while on treasure hunt, I had the pleasure of walking, talking and gazing at lovely *babies* at Cascadian Nurseries, Inc., a wholesale only nursery in Hillsboro, OR.  My tour was lead by Mr. Wholesale-Nursery-Wonderful, Jim Larson.  Guess you might say he is the plant nursery *pediatrician*. 

Whilst touring the “trees with European Artistry” we happened upon the espaliered flowing pears.  Now, I must say Cascadian had me at espaliered and though I was a bit too early to see bloom (given our weather this past winter, arggg), let me tell you, these babes are ladders to the heavens!  Officially fell in love with yet *another* tree. The loving care (and true artistry) for these trees was legible. There they stood, strong, aligned, ready for an imaginary climb. I shrieked (Jim jumped), “Can you imagine what these look like when in bloom?!  How about in their glorious fall color?!” Of course he can, he takes care of them, silly. 

Tree Artistry

Tree Art

Ladders, calling my eyes (and  heart) to climb up, connecting with appreciation to larger thoughts, ideals, daydreams – of good life, good living, good health – ’cause that’s what quality plants do for us.

Heaven anyone?

Plant nerd's stairway to heaven

“Like the apple, the pear has always had a strong connection with children, fertility and prosperity. But while the apple often appears in male-female customs concerning courtship and marriage, the pear tends to be associated solely with the female gender.”  The Meaning of Trees: Botany, History, Healing, Lore

We have had freaky-deaky winter weather here in the Pac NW. “Record shattering”. “Amazing”. “Incredible artic blast event”. Many worry about their babies (plants).  

Hello fellow garden maniacs who refer to our plants as “babies”.  Nothing wrong with that, mind you. Plants are like family and good friends.

RBD clients have been in touch, concerned with the health of one particular plant – Phormium.  Ah, the beauty of this plant – and the varieties available! Yum, yum, the Phormiums.

Yum Yum Maori Madien Phormium

Yum Yum, the Maori Maiden Phormium

And yikes! the down-right scariness of snow and ice damage. Eek!  They look like heck: split, flopped, droppy, weeping. “Are they dead? Pull them out? Cut them back? Will they need to be replaced? What do I do?”

Sad Phormium... don't worry.

Sad Phormium... don't worry.


Wait and see with all your plants.  Allow time for recovery – to see how amazing nature / plant / tree organisms will fair.  The experts have been called in.  

Take respite in a great podcast, from Bloomtown Nursery’s proprietress Darcy Daniels who interviews the great plant minds & wholesale suppliers at Xera Plants for true blue flax diagnosis, good news, and fantastic information to soothe (and care for) the Phormium lover’s winter damage and recovery anxieties. And RBD clients, good news! RBD is in love with the variety Maori Maiden —  it finds a home in many a garden design… this one can hang on in the lower temps.

So, WAIT. 

Most Phormiums will be back (with the right care & mucho compassion – take a listen to the podcast)!