Ahhh… We’ve hit midstride of the season of stillness With these 5 fave feel-good furnishINgs you’ll be in good keeping for mid-winter’s rest.
Take this feel-good care kit of parts as a set or a la carte. Either way, it is intended for your inward garden’s replenishment. After all, it is the “listen and recoup” time of year!
1 | Spark – Mantras in Motion
2 | Seek – Pocket Guide to Sanctuary Space Styling
3 | Sip – Smith Teamaker No. 73 – Spearmint
4 | See – Forcing Branches
5 | Scent – Sweet Orange & Pine EOs
Anything that Erin Stutland creates, I’m on it (4 years later, I’m still doing her soul strolls!). Her latest book on Mantras, motion, manifesting is new year nightstand worthy.
Speaking of worthy, make the space surrounding you meaningful and it’ll feel more like the Sanctuary that you are becoming. My Pocket Guide was crafted to help with just that.
I go local for my Spearmint tea from Smith Teamaker. Word has it = redux in inflammation, aids immune & digestive processes, antioxidant, AND with supports age-related cognitive dips and memory!
If you’ve ever or never tried forcing branches, give pussy willow a go and you’ll have signs of growth, which represent the coming of prosperity in ancient cultures. (And you’ll have nature inside!)
Sweet Orange paired with Pine essential oils diffused will invite creativity and positivity while grounding you during your sacred practice of stillness, prayer, meditation.
So, what’s your pick for furnishINg inwardly your restorative nature? Pick one thing above to help you take good care of your precious self this season and tell me in the comments below. You know what they say about a domino effect, right? That’s right… just starts with one.