“Could I possibly be that thing – the healing gardens I design, that sacred space, oh my god, #sanctuary – for myself?
Could I possibly take IT wherever I go?
Could I find myself finding myself syncing the cycles of Nature with the seasons of my life, my growth, my development?”
As She took in my prayer, that day I sat on the back porch of the little farmhouse, with not a “garden” of mine in sight, peeling an orange, She answered:
“Of. Course. Of course. You carry the healing, mysteries, joys, and beauty of the Earth within you. You are Sanctuary, Annie.”
For more about how this ^^^ realization rocked my world and changed how I conduct business now, as a sacred service of making personal development, life, and most everything that comes in contact with #themama 🌎 easier, listen IN to my interview with @thepattydominguez
or click the link in bio and enjoy!
P. S. That orange… it was so delish… know why? 😉 Read that quote again… 🙂
How do expect to hear your sacred self if you don’t shhh?
Take a break. Simplify the input. PLEASE BE QUIET. Listen for YOUR VOICE.
The harmony of your Sanctuary Heart needs the healing.
Tune in by tuning OUT. Restore WITH the simple GREEN sanctuary scene that is everyday Healing Nature.
Be embraced by Mother Nature’s healing messages for your serenity (and sanity), the empowered YOU in the space of your life, being lit from deep within, in fierce, magical, focused, feminine freedom… ohh so needed.
Now IS the future.
Heal and Thrive.
I challenge you. I challenge me. Release attachment to the artificial screens and get REAL with the magic of the serene green around.
Feel more Restored, Empowered, Aligned and Lit – ohh so needed #RestoredandRadiant. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It’s amazing what a little healthy separation INto nature can do for your sweet soul and for that brilliant mind that makes you so kind. (Research says so!) — not to mention there’s magic out there, an Rx for caring for your powerful #rippleeffect of BEING A SAFE PLACE for yourself and others.
This Red Bird pauses from social media :: techno rama :: internet-ing for #socialmediasundaySHHH.
This is, after all, your Sanctuary SELF life. AND YOUR SANCTUARY HEART NEEDS HARMONY.
You create energy – a generator loving, giving, doing, caring, pleasing, trying, doing, doing. And doing some more.
This lovely you, occasionally “tired”, “low energy” or ” energy off”. Being an empathetic sort, makes sense. You’re so intricately composed of a fascinating collection of energy-producing particles oscillating, in motion, vibrating, and sensing the “fields” around you. Magnetized.
You are one amazeballs mass of energy – constantly creating and absorbing energy.
Took me a L O NNNNN G time to understand how these unseen yet deeply felt things work. Good news? Good news is that our souls – the seat and seed of WHO WE ARE – already know. As does this wildly curious field of vibrational medicine aka “energy medicine”.
May sound super-spiritual, even woo-woo (but that’s why you’re here, right?), so let’s start with something simple to support our vibrations and energy: Roses.
Subconsciously, we are drawn to certain flowers that emit an electromagnetic field that our beings desire. Flowers act as magnets. Our atoms oscillate to find harmony (frequency of 348.835 Hz) with specific flowers. This is just one of the #flowermagic ways of flower allies.
Rose flower has great superpowers – with incredible magnetic energy as studied by vibrational medicine.
The energy measured electromagnetically as 320 Hz, is the highest frequency of all tangible things, which when consumed in or on our “body” becomes the closest element we can physically access that teaches us the vibration of love (528Hz is the “Love” frequency).
Rose is a frequency elevator. A love generator for naturally raising our vibration.
Her positivity is potent for peaceful, radiant, healing of taking good care of your precious energy self. So much more than just another pretty face.
Walk into her magnetism (and love on your own) with me and my Rose Magic Meditation – a #energyimmunityboost gift – link in bio and comments.
Welcome my Soil-Soul-Sister & Brother! I'm Annie Red Bird, ready to style for your serenity & dig deep for calm, connection & creativity in your everyday #HealingGardenHappyPlace.
The Sanctuary Salon is a transformative membership experience that will offer resources to nurture, support and inspire your work of building AND being your own sense of sanctuary – all year long.