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Therapeutic/Healing Gardens

#sanctuaryselfsolution #redbirdrestorative #nurturHER #flowermagic #hydrangea #oakleafhydrangea

#beyourownsanctuary #positivemomentarydistraction #mindthegardenofyourmind
#serenegreenscene #healinggardendesigner #morethanjustaprettyspace #designasthoyoursoulmatters #thriveoutsidehealinside #natureconnection #naturenurtures #sanctuaryspacedesigner #designpsychology #selfcare #mentalwellbeing #selflove #restorativespacedesign
#earthempath #caregiving #highlysensitivetypes #keepersofallmovingparts #livingportfolio

We’re ankle-deep in snow here.
And an old lesson has arrived at the door. Again.

One taught by nature many times before. Yet.
I, perhaps like you, arrive at class to learn it, again, more deeply.


The still, white blanket outside is like the healing room imagined in my daily self-hypnosis.
There is so much room. There is so much light.

#FlowerMagic of white arrives in Dream time… in shower time… and while washing dishes… The Feminine Flora Force enchants:


And the questions are asked by the Teacher. Again.

Can you grow still enough to hear the Garden of your Soul?

Can you allow for the external visibility to be obscured and uncontrolled in order for your internal visibility to become clear?

In hushed, and great expectation. YES!

May You Grow Still Enough
by Brother David Steindl-Rast

May you grow still enough to hear the small noises earth makes in preparing for the long sleep of winter, so that you yourself may grow calm and grounded deep within.

May you grow still enough to hear the trickling of water seeping in the ground, so that your soul may be softened and healed, and guided in its flow.

May you grow still enough to hear the splintering of starlight in the winter sky and the roar at earth’s fiery core.

May you grow still enough to hear the stir of a single snowflake in the air, so that your inner silence may turn into hushed expectation.

#midlifeWHYsis #restoredandradiant #thriveoutsidehealinside #naturenurtures #sanctuaryself #redbirdrestorative #winter #stillness #rest #slowdowntospeedup #stillsmallvoice #takegoodcareofyourpreciousself #fromscaredtosacred

Are you ready to embrace the transformative power of nature? Then listen IN…

Hello Red Bird, here’s a Valentine for you!

You might be busy making everyone in the landscape of your life feel and know that they are loved, special, adored. I know that’s part of your natural healing nature. It’s so beautiful and seen.

And part of my natural healing nature is to share something when it comes along that I know will nurture you. That’s why I’m writing – to share a podcast from my heart on this valentine’s.

I had the pleasure to sit down for an interview with the podcast phenom Jennifer Jewell of Cultivating Place: Natural History & the Human Impulse to Garden to talk about Healing Gardens, Sanctuary and connecting dots between the sacred within and precious nature out.

The timing is not lost on me… the winter season, the cycle of life, and all. of. it.

This is a garden-heart deep conversation about the transformative power of the garden, plants, and nature to offer us healing and wellbeing – starting in our own gardens, hearts, and minds.

The outcome is an intimate conversation, arriving at the most perfect time. Please enjoy the podcast, the Healing Garden series Jennifer is hosting as a way to cultivate precious medicine for your soul and space.

SEEING aka understanding and helping people make space for their true nature so that it radiates as peace, beauty, balance and harmony – this is the work of the sanctuary. My work, my Valentine and what Native peoples call the Beauty Way.

Sacred space making, our healing gardens – they all start with our tending to the garden within, caring for ourselves, BEing ours as we are to others, listening and seeing our native, true nature responsibly. As keepers of much of all of it, recovering overdoers, we strike down a new garden path – one that allows us to radiantly ripple out love because we are Being our own Sanctuary, first.

Take a listen and let me know what you feel… and think after listening. Oh, and how about you SHARE the podcast kinda like a Valentine?