You are cordially invited to attend
complimentary special event, introducing...

How working with this missing piece/peace in transformation will fortify your personal growth journey making it more beautiful, more divinely connected, and more magical.

JUNE 24, 2022 at 12:00 PM PST

This Channeled Session will be hosted live on Zoom

by Annie Red Bird,
Sanctuary Conduit,
Healing Nature Translator & Design Intuitive

It's time to align with the divine INSIDE to create the SACRED SPACE & CALM that will truly allow us to GROW & AWAKEN.

Register to join LIVE & say YES to:

Discover the missing link in personal development & esoteric "tools" that make the "work" stick

Uncover how you can accelerate the results of your "work" while feeling more creative & finding relief from being on the high-functioning zombie hamster wheel

Recover & replenish yourself faster (and more authentically) from burnout especially when you're swimming in the soup of all the personal growth & self-care talk-talk