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Empower Me

🌷 For my Red Birds, tho we may seem small, we are mighty.

Welcome in this love note, from deep within healing nature’s magic.

:: #listentomama, the #femininefloraforce speaks ::
I am aware because I care.
Source and Sanctuary surround you everywhere.

Empower me, I say.
Her reply is a guide to the lines and cords and connection of the Light and Love that grows through us.

You are always InPower.

I am here.
I am here.
I am here…to BE the healer. The bridge.


This is the new re-generation that allows for the constellation of peace and ease because she knows balance and choice.

These things are not disconnected
We are never separate

The solace is the surrender because like little tiny shoots
you too are the tender

You tend to her and as you do you are the mender

That mends the woes that, when the right spring breeze blows, goes on

So, go on.
Be the bloom that is the cup
of the union
of the soul’s soil and expansion.

Because this is the renewed you.
This inside-out life.

This is the #Sanctuary in and of you but not you.

Let this be in the landscape of your life

and let that go viral – let your preciousness – that sacredness – your sanctity go viral.

#SanctuarySELF #RestoredandRadiantLiving #SoulSoil #hellomay #SipofSanctuary #formyredbirds #newmoon #intuitivereading #thenewearth

#becomingsanctuary #createsacredspace #empoweringsurrounds #morethanjustanotherprettyspace #fromscaredtosacred #naturedandnurtured #greengoddessrising #healingnature #sanctuaryspacecoach #realignedanddivine #rewilding #gratefulforallofit #yourtruenature #gardenofyourheart #flowermagic #alivingpoem

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