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🌷 For my Red Birds, tho we may seem small, we are mighty.

Welcome in this love note, from deep within healing nature’s magic.

:: #listentomama, the #femininefloraforce speaks ::
I am aware because I care.
Source and Sanctuary surround you everywhere.

Empower me, I say.
Her reply is a guide to the lines and cords and connection of the Light and Love that grows through us.

You are always InPower.

I am here.
I am here.
I am here…to BE the healer. The bridge.


This is the new re-generation that allows for the constellation of peace and ease because she knows balance and choice.

These things are not disconnected
We are never separate

The solace is the surrender because like little tiny shoots
you too are the tender

You tend to her and as you do you are the mender

That mends the woes that, when the right spring breeze blows, goes on

So, go on.
Be the bloom that is the cup
of the union
of the soul’s soil and expansion.

Because this is the renewed you.
This inside-out life.

This is the #Sanctuary in and of you but not you.

Let this be in the landscape of your life

and let that go viral – let your preciousness – that sacredness – your sanctity go viral.

#SanctuarySELF #RestoredandRadiantLiving #SoulSoil #hellomay #SipofSanctuary #formyredbirds #newmoon #intuitivereading #thenewearth

#becomingsanctuary #createsacredspace #empoweringsurrounds #morethanjustanotherprettyspace #fromscaredtosacred #naturedandnurtured #greengoddessrising #healingnature #sanctuaryspacecoach #realignedanddivine #rewilding #gratefulforallofit #yourtruenature #gardenofyourheart #flowermagic #alivingpoem

You Sanctuary SELF Lifestyle needs you

to tune OUT to tune IN.

Go ahead. On this very post.
Shut it down.

Take a break.
Simplify the input.

Take pause from the blue SCREAM screen scene vying to split your attention as a culprit of mis-connection and decision burden.

Restore WITH the simple GREEN sanctuary scene that is everyday Healing Nature.

Be embraced by Mother Nature’s healing messages for your serenity (and sanity), the emPOWERed YOU in the space of your life, being lit from deep within, in fierce, magical, focused, feminine freedom… ohh so needed.

Now is THE resource.

Heal and Thrive.

Open your arms out wide… (go on, do it right now…)

Feel more Restored, Empowered, Aligned and Lit – ohh so needed #RestoredandRadiant.
It’s amazing what a little healthy separation INto nature can do for your sweet soul and for that brilliant mind that makes you so kind. (Research says so!) — not to mention there’s magic out there, an Rx for caring for your powerful #rippleeffect of BEING A SAFE PLACE for yourself and others.

This Red Bird pauses from social media :: techno rama :: internet-ing for #socialmediasundaySHHH.

#redbirdbehindthescenes #beyourownsanctuary #RedBirdOutHeer @amabelheerfarms #quietanddelighted #boundaries #HSP #empathlife #formyRedBirds #SanctuarySelfSolution #natureheals #sciencesays #theresmagicoutthere #rewilding #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #happybeltane

I remember Earth Day April 22, 1990, like it was yesterday. (I can hear my college friends giggling now…)

Where I was. University of Portland – The Pilot House Student Center

Who I was with. Scott, the college b-friend.

What I was wearing. A navy blue rain hoodie when a college friend, Lynn, handed me a pale green ribbon to wear in my hair. I tied it to my hoodie’s zipper handle.

The ribbon is still there. (Yes, I still have that hoodie – it is a standard in our camping gearbox.)

Lynn’s enthusiasm for the day, the events, and the recycling was contagious.

And I remember thinking… “Why is there a special day for this? We live on Earth every day. Don’t people already know that we need to take care of Her to take of ourselves?

The blush of a naive 21-year-old. Them good ol’ days.

Though Earth Day celebrations kicked off in the public realm in 1970, April 1990 was the year that Earth Day went global… millions of people organized and highlighted efforts for more “environment kindness” and stewardship. And there was the Earth Summit in Rio…

An opening in the fabric that had brought separation.
Changes in behavior and choices that were bringing people back.
Thinking of the whole with the parts.

I was studying Social Work at the time… and as I look back now on my long (loooong and innovative career track) I see that my connection with the practical and ethereal gifts of “The Mama” (as I affectionally like to say) has roots clear back and extend far and wide.

Because we can’t separate the internal from the external.

Though many focus on Earth Day as a “what I can DO on this day”, I wanted to offer a deeper view – one of BEing.

How can you BE with the Earth and embody your relationship with The Mama?

For me, this notion of “being” rather than “doing” changes consciousness and the space of what Sanctuary actually IS. 

Here are 4 ways to BE Sanctuary for & with the Mama on Earth Day:

Sanctuary WithinSync into your favorite time of day and savor the feelings and energies that its mood brings you and BE in gratefulness that will root and feed your spirit.

Mine, hands down, feet on the ground is early (early) morning at dawn. There is an expansion, release, and receiving that washes over my soul every.single.time. This is when I download messages from my Sanctuary Within the most. And I revel in gratitude for this interlude.

Empowering Surroundings – Remember the wonder of you as a child at play outside and BE delighted, again.

Take a minute and think back to when you played outside, what season, and where… try to get into the feeling of the memory. Picture and relish the places… playground, fort, mud pit, skating down the sidewalk, climbing that tree, finding those frogs – the freedom and wonder of the place. Feel the sense of play and gratitude that comes up from those experiences in nature and how they formed you and your preferences now for gardens, plants, wildlife, out-of-the-way hideouts. These were your first empowering and encouraging surroundings. Sacred to the formation of you.

Lightened Up – Give yourself a Sensory Spa Treatment and BE calm.

Take 5 minutes outside and zero in on which 2 senses are delighted or soothed the most by nature. Why 2? We know that when 2 or more of our overwrought, artificially stimulated senses are soothed by nature – at the same time, we experience a restoration of wellbeing. This is such a good way to raise our “field” of vibration and energy at the same time we’re quieting the monkey mind. Thanks to a little Restorative Nature Rx.

Flower Energy & Magic – Pick a flower to grow and BE connected.

We love ’em those flowers, yet do we really understand the consciousness and magic of flowers? Pick a flower and do a little research on it – go to “the Google” and expand your awareness of that flower… my bet would be that you find a hidden message of self-love, growth, and nurturance in your findings.

Share a comment with me about how BEing with The Mama is different for you now.

If you’re 100% ready to heal the blah disconnection you feel and honor the mystically meaningful messages that Nature has for you so that you create a powerful and purposeful flourishing essence of YOU as Sanctuary in the landscape of your life… calm, centered, and grounded…and in touch with something deeper… you’d really find peace, inspiration and support in Sanctuary Within magic. Let’s chat to see if it’s right for you!